Monday, November 08, 2004

What with GP and History having passed already, i'm feeling somewhat happy for my As thus far. i mean really, the GP essay question was a Godsend. "Assess the appeal and value of fantasy stories and films". That's like custom made for me.

Plus, i did it before for Siva and it was my second best ever. so that's GREAT.

History.... well there's uncertainty with the source based. (for the record, my sources were Support, Support, Challenge, Challenge, Supporty. and if you picked up on Source D and Source E being on the 3rd and 4th of august respectively, pat yourself on the back). Other than that, i'm incredibly greatful to God that i studied TT last night. coz IR was SOOOOOOOOOOOO fucked up, as everyone seems to agree. EN was ... interesting, and NI was limited in scope. in fact thats abt the general trend of this exam. they seem to have wanted to limit the scope of the questions quite a bit.

AFTER the paper, though, I WENT AND PREORDERED THE NEW EMINEM CD!! AND I GET A FREE T SHIRT!!! like WHOA!!!!! (my apologies for getting the date wrong hahaha. but hey this way we get free shirts right?!)

I realised today, after observing some events transpire, that insensitivity can be one of the most crushing things in the world. sometimes when you've fucked up some exam, or your cat's died, or your father's passed away, or some life changing event like that, the last thing you wanna hear abt is some messed up paintwork, or a wet shoe, or some equally irrelevant thing.
In connection to that, i remembered how i had a habit which really pissed me off: I'd be talking abt something important to me, and then i'd cut in with something totally unimportant. that's insensitivity, i realise.
and the irony's that i've said i've learnt to be sensitive after getting to know me better.

No i'm not schizophrenic. Ever thought you arent meant to understand everything in here? :) someone will though.

i cant help but beam from the inside. i feel happier in some ways than i have for sooo long. when's the last time i strolled past the marriot hotel, anyway?


Today i turn my eye to Charles Lazaroo's Metaphor.

Now i've always maintained that Charles is something of a genius. Occasionally difficult to talk to, and always different, but he's a smart guy. (GRADES ARENT EVERYTHING, you do realise?) He has a gift with literature, which not many comprehend, and fewer still possess.
Simply put, i think Metaphor is the best work in the whole of Zephyr. Natalie could take some lessons from it. He uses "lo!" and actually gets away with it! Plus "vespers" ...... half of you dont even know what that means, i'm willing to wager. and yet despite these linguistic feats, he doesnt come across as unwieldy, neither does he seem to be amateurish.
Charles has done here the things i hoped to see throughout Zephyr, but have not, sadly, found. He's created a poem that makes one sit back and go "whoa" at the end, and then re-read the poem, searching for the meaning which must be there.

Read it and weep, all others.


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