Monday, November 22, 2004

I am done with economics!! (as is now, and ever shall be, the world without end, Amen)

And with history!!! (at least until i take it up in University. Yes, i am serious. laugh not - it be most unbecoming)

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. History ended today with Mr Rajoo's paper (In da BAG!) and Economics ended with the MCQ, DRQ and Case Study (In da.............. coffin.) And yes, i genuinely am considering taking up History at Uni. i know its virtually useless, but its INTERESTING, which is more than can be said for other things.

I'm thinking if i get a perfect score for my SATS (ok well 1550+ would be nice) then maybe i'll have a shot at getting into Harvard (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA might be appropriate. but then again :D) and then i'd do Law. Alternatively, i'd LOVE to read Literature at Cambridge. That would be absolutely heavenly. Plus, there's always music, which i'd really like to do too. And acting. Acting would be absolutely heavenly, too :) words fail me.

"yeah sure!" but just how much does it mean?? people say things abt fifty thousand times a day. How many of them do they MEAN??

on this note, let's go into the fucking stupid reason Singaporeans seem to love to use to explain away shitty customer service.

Complaint: "The check-out girl didnt say "Have a nice day!" to me"

Response: "She's just being honest. You expect her to be fake like the Americans and say that whether or not she really HOPES you have a nice day?"

THAT IS NOT A FUCKING JUSTIFIABLE ANSWER, and only illustrates the sheer utter stupidity and selfishness that inhabits some people's mind. The whole idea of being POLITE and COURTEOUS is to not take into account whether or not you feel like being either on the basis of treating your fellow humans kindly. That means making the effort to say "How are you?" whether or not you really care - because its the right thing to do. At least where i come from. Claiming that to do so is to be fake is utter senselessness - where would civilization be if we only did things because we FELT like it?? The basis of human culture lies in doing things beyond that which we feel immediately inclined to do - otherwise we'd all be living in caves still, because there's really nothing "wrong" with that, when it comes down to it.

Just think on it. I'm sure some of the cynical ones amongst you wont agree. Someone always does.

Cynical cynical cynical
everything's always inimical
to you, it does seem
everything's so damn mean.
Oh and things are always political.

I have also been the proud proud proud owner of the Eminem Encore CD for the last FOUR DAYS, and it is really, really, REALLY good.

Father please forgive me for i know not what i do
I just never had the chance to ever meet you.

Too bad the T-shirt aint exactly the best thing since sliced bread. But oh well what the hell.

If you're reading this at home, cigarette in hand, going WTF, well HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ok that one i think NO one will ever, ever get. think of it this way: if you're thinking it might be you, then its not. Unless, of course, it IS you. Then you'd be right in thinking its you. Unless, however, you're wrong.

Grey. A little bit of white, but mostly grey. Very definitely grey. Oh with a little smidgeon of black. And some very faintly visible navy blue streaks. But overall, grey it is.

Did i mention grey??

I'm flipping thru the pages
Of this abomination of a book.
(There's some alliteration there
If you'd but care to look).

I'm just tryin to find the piece
that will inspire most in me
hatred, anger and distress.
Can you guess the title i see?

For that's right, today is
Slaughterhouse Zephyr: Installment number 4
So stick around, tune in some
Find out what's in store!!!

Slaughterhouse: Zephyr
(Part 4 in an increasingly-misnamed trilogy)
(If anyone caught that reference please let me know)

Ok the suspense has dragged on for long enough. (Incidentally, how many A level lit students commented on the use of the father to create suspense in the Drama question for Practical Criticism?? Bravo if you did). Today I shall be dealing exclusively with Tang Chee Seng's piece entitled.......... well i gather it's entitled "Weird Science And Amazing Technology" (yes, with all those letters in CAPS. Only God knows why - and even He's unsure on this one)

Before I start, though: While flipping through the pages (as the poem above relates :D incidentally, that poem is worthy of being included in Zephyr. It's bloody atrocious haha) i noticed something which smells downright rotting-sea-life to me. Many many MANY of the pieces in Zephyr seem to be from T1! The very class that *gasp the coincidence!* the Vice president of the Editorial Board student members are from!! (It is this group who is responsible for Zephyr. Please, save the hate mail until AFTER the As) Also the Literary Editor! And quite possibly other people too, its just that I don't know their names!! 7 pieces (according to my count, which is based upon a tenuous grasp of people's names. Conspiracy theorists would no doubt say they're ALL from T1, and they've all used false names. Altho why anyone would use "Charles Lazaroo" is quite beyond me) out of 23 are from T1!!!! that's ....................... approximately............................ ONE THIRD!!!!!!! (right?? hahahaha)

Now you tell me: doesnt that stink of incestuous nepotism??? I SMELL INBREEDING!!!!!

Ok so returning to Tang Chee Seng....... God the name is a MOUTHFUL.

He starts off "If you're reading this, then it may already be too late for me." Ironically, this could be more true than he thinks. You see, if YOU'RE reading his work because of my post, then you'll likely end up despising it too. Which will result in him getting stoned at school. Deservedly!

Not only is such a beginning VERY overused and tired, it's also followed by the stunningly unoriginal line of "I might have already be captured by HAL" (grammatically it should be "may" anyway, i think). Not "I may have been sucked into cyberspace through a strange ant hole" or "I followed a white rabbit into a floppy disc" or "Someone on the other side of the world downloaded me via LimeWire and my ass got stuck" ................ nooooooo not good old Tang Chee Seng (goddamn i hate his name. Sorry buddy). He chooses to rip off poor Arthur C. Clarke - who's too old to get up off his wheelchair and fight this in the copyright courts - and uses HAL as his big baddy in the story. And what has HAL done?? Why, captured our main character, of course! Dont you know this is how good stories progress? an utterly predictable and boring storyline is part of the process!!!!

It gets worse, however. NEXT, he steals from George Orwell (Now THAT is beyond below the belt man. That's below the socks! Arthur C. Clarke is still alive - barely - but Orwell's DEAD. so dead he probably cant even turn in his grave any more without the assistance of some kindhearted worms.) HAL gets upped to "Big Brother" HAL. SPARE ME. 1984, anyone?

Next we'll have flashing numbers running down the page.


The story really just drags on forever and ever and ever. He steals from just about every science fiction writer under the sun: Dan Simmons gets his AI concept of computers using human minds pilfered, Peter F. Hamilton gets his idea of 'Net junkies taken from A Quantum Murder............... the list grows ever longer. What we have here is a terribly-written story which puts to shame the marvellous stolen concepts which are forced into the story like gristle through a meat-grinder - what we get is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad sausage. A really bad sausage.

My suggestion? Don't even waste your time dissing him. He'll probably quote your insult straight back at you - but mangle it badly in the process.

Lambs to the slaughter,
the sons and the daughters
march off to be quartered
and drawn.


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