Saturday, August 28, 2004

despite my fucked up mood, i just had to return and blog this:

Good News-Bad News

Good News: Saddam Hussein has been found guilty of war atrocities and is set to face the penalties

Bad News: Beckham is going to take them

hahahhahaha. i love the guy. but hey, a joke's a joke.

Friday, August 27, 2004

so what's new then, ladies and gentlemen?

"Today my dog died."

umm... so?

"I got laid last night"

yeah well, you and ten thousand other people. question is, was it good for me? i can't remember anything, so i'm guessing the answer's a resounding NO.

"I actually managed to stick a pen all the way up my left nostril and out of my right ear today"

now THAT, ladies and gentlemen, THAT is news.

as you may be able to tell, i'm slightly unhinge----whoops there goes another little fairy----d tonight.

its so incredibly funny man. no wonder all you can do is steal stuff from other people's blogs - considering your only response to being found out is to desperately cover up. please la if it were me i'da done something like turned the tables and accused the other parties of stealing. now THAT would've been fun. instead you run like a cowardly chicken - AND i'm assuming leave dumbass tags under the nondescript nome-de-plume of "someone". at least make it sound SINISTER or something man!! where's your sense of style?! something like........ "tag left by one who's name you'll never know". there, isnt that so much better?

+i made it for jy's paper.

see i kept that nice and small. just so i remember it in the future when i'm looking back.

i kinda feel edgy tonight - in a good way. jumpy and snappy and shit. if there were people physically around this'd be one of the time when i start flipping out.

ah fuck. mood's gone.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

first off, an announcement: something i expected to happen at a much later date than yesterday has occured. i have, people, started actually studying. yes, i can hear the jaws hitting the floor already, but no, this is not a hoax.

i was really starting to worry, coz i couldnt feel any of the anxiety and pressure that's so intrinsic to my studying process at all. hence a total lack of revision (or discovery of new knowledge, as is the case for economics - those experiencing disbelief, i refer you to the dismal display of my ineptitude with supply and demand graphs). a horrifying thought struck me yesterday like the proverbial train to the brain (alright i made that one up). revealing that thought would, however, just make people hate me, i'm sure, so let's not go there alright?

how do you deal with the excruciatingly painful fact that you don't matter to someone else one iota? its funny, coz i'm sure if i asked anyone whether they'd even care, they'd say no. and yet i'm sure that when the time and the right person or people come(s) along, that'd change.
there're always people you want to matter to. i'm discovering that sometimes, wanting doesnt relate to the cold hard nature of reality. sometimes people really just dont give a fuck about you. and personally, i'd say its pretty damn painful.

the only way i can think of for it NOT to hurt is for you to, in return, not give a damn either. but that's just a vicious circle of destruction - a wind of hate. and its an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

somehow the words just don't flow any more do they? not that it matters at all to anyone but myself, naturally. for some reason there are so many things that only matter to me - the rest of the world just seems to accept things and forget them.
still, it makes me wonder what there was to start with.
and thus we are reduced to this. how utterly pathetic.

once upon a time there was
a man who couldnt tie his shoes
he walked around though, nonetheless
but so many pairs he'd lose

they'd slip off slowly, as he strolled
ambulated around town
they'd drop off of his soon-cold feet
in between "foot up", "foot down"

this man had himself many friends
amongst the local men
whose job it was to make new shoes.
for he'd buy shoes, and soon then

he'd trot back with that forlorn face
and they'd cry out "need a pair?"
and he'd groan and say "yes i'm afraid"
They'd sell, and wisper later "he drops them there"

then like cunning little rats or mice
they'd surreptitiously wander after
this poor sad sorry man, who's shoes they'd take,
once dropped, with lots of laughter.

then with faces schooled to be so straight
they'd wait till he returned
and count the cash they'd earned.

secrets secrets secrets
where once there was but one.
now it seems that all is lies
and there's no truth under the sun

Apollo gazes down on us
and mocks us with His light.
He it is that watches us
and via Moon, also at night.

He laughs at all our petty deeds
our conceits and our deceptions
as we wonder 'round like foolish mice
trying to slant others' perceptions.

what fools we are to dare to think
that what we do is hidden.
like the rotting carcass of a pig
our lies lie rotting on Earth's midden.


"so anyway, here i am just sitting like, just, like, by myself y'noe? and outta nowhere comes this little flying watchacallit - a UFO. y'noe what i'm talking abt. and then like this like little head thing pops like outta it, and its all like "Take me to your weeder" and i'm like "dude don't you mean like my LEADER or something?" and then the little alien head gives me like this totally evil glare and he just like flies off. i swear dude as the UFO thingy's leaving, i hear some little alien guy going "what's a little green man gotta do to get some pot around here?!"


here's a thought: what if you could develop a story, where little alien beings fly around in spaceships that happen to look just like snakes on Earth? and these aliens existed, say, about 4500 years ago (Bible historians will get that one). so along they come to Earth, which is in absolutely pristine condition. they find two hominids wondering around in the most beautiful place there, but these two have a debilitating illness, caused by some external force. the aliens do a scan and search of their surroundings, and find a plant which has fruit uniquely suited to healing this illness they send subliminal messages to the two humans to eat the fruit.
after eating it (the female, being more sensitive, hears the message first and tells the male to partake of it also) the disease miraculously disappears, upon which -poof- suddenly an alien spacecraft appears in the air above the two humans - invisible to the human eye, but detected by the snakeship aliens, who see in a broader spectrum. turns out this larger ship contains aliens which'd been using humans for experiments, having established themselves as a God to the primitive natives, both to see the effects of the induced disease, and to test the limits of their subjects' ability to search for a cure. the larger ship banishes the snake one, and weaves a story of the snakeship's "evil", to prevent said snakeship beings from ever interrupting the work of the larger ship's beings.

now wouldnt THAT be a twist?

thought i better record it somewhere before the thought disappears and i lose the story. i think it's got real potential!

simple courtesy would obviously dictate rather different actions. but then i've never reasonably been able to expect that, so why start now?

i just had what i thought at first was a brilliant thought: the equivalent of leaving a table and having the ppl at it immediately bitch about you would, in cyberspace, be signing outta MSN Messenger, or whatever equivalent you're using. upon analysis, however, i realised that we don't even have honour enough to wait that long. in fact, we'd do it even while talking to that same person. Thus Humanity lowers itself to greater depths.

in a way its humbling, really, to realise how insignificant you are to another. especially when the process is a drawn-out one. somehow it drives the point home deeper than if you were told outright.

The Fionavar Tapestry

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Victor announced he'd like to be married by thirty, and have grown kids by forty.

i hate to be the one to break it to you kiddo, but it wont quuuuuite work out the way you want.

kids tend to take abt twenty odd years to become grown-up. funny how it takes twenty years to become a twenty year old, isn't it? why, its almost.......... LOGICAL, or some strange thing like that!

:) alright that's enough i know.

the days are slowly disappearing, and yet trepidation has still failed to come pounding on my door. i fear nothing as of yet: like some young god, i am careless.

rigggggggght. :) but it sounded good!!

DAMN i just realised i've missed Friends. and i swear to GOD if you EVER "orhh" me again i will fucken kill you.

onto another thing that's been bouncing around inside my head: its funny... i've always thought it's flattering before, but this time its just starting to get annoying. you're always acting so damn strange..... i can tell you're putting on some big fucking act. you weren't like this in the past, if i remember right. what the fuck happened man?
and then you're always such a dramatic little thing too arent you? seriously, it aint that big a fucken deal.
sure i guess it mustn't be the nicest thing ever, liking and not liking back, but i wish u just wouldnt be such a pain - maybe then we could be friends or something.

God it would be SO embarrassing if i'm wrong :)

but then what're the chances of that? i mean seriously.


hired help and the cyber vampire
those bad liane eyes and shit
so many weird people, sometimes i feel evil
feel like reaching over to them. HIT HIT HIT.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

here's an interesting concept:

what if no one in the world can actually afford a car like, say, a Ferrari? (i mean they are the best in the world and all that... lambo lovers can kiss my sharries. in the nicest possible sense, of course) its all just a huge lie perpetuated by the pretty-car-machine-makers.
alright follow me with this one: let's make up a man, and let's call him Tom. actually lets not call him Tom. let us call him............ Michael. nah actually lets just go with Tom. or maybe michael? tom, michael, tom, michael, tom, michael, tom, michael, tom, michael, tom, michael.........
ok so this man called John (hahahahahahha) he really really wants a Ferrari. let's just say its the Spyder alright? so he saves and saves, and all the time he's saving, he's watching these cocky bastards on the road with their fucking Ferraris (yes and even their fucking Lambos - John's desperate y'see) and he's getting more and more and more envious, seeing all these guys with their hot cars - which, by a strange twist of something-or-other (NOT LEMON) aren't any other colour than black or red.
funny... those are my favourite two colours for sports cars. what a coincidence, you might say.

so anyhow. John one day finally goes down to a Ferrari showroom and totally ignores all the showgirls - a sure sign of his honest desire for a Spyder (cynics might say Ferrari's just not spending enough on the showgirls, but that's another story) and he approaches a customer service officer and enquires after the price of his dream car.
the CSO then takes him into a dark room - where he is told that Ferrari only GIVES their cars away because they cost so much that most people cant afford them! their real money comes from assorted merchandise - and, of course, the cut they get from Mr. Schumacher's continuing victories on the race circuit.
thus the lie is exposed: cars are given away to a privileged few, in return for them driving all around town all day and showing off their cars, so that poor suckers with hardly any money can look and them and dream, and, being forever unable to afford an actual Ferrai, spend heaps and heaps of money on a "genuine leather!" Ferrari keychain.

wadya think? the concept just hit me today, and i think it almost bears out. i mean the actual cost of producing a Ferrari cant be that much right. so they'd still make quite a tidy little profit i'm thinking.

of course i dont actually think it's TRUE. but if you do, hey, whatever floats your boat mate. its your party.

in other news: i'm sposed to be fucken studying for tmr's mock test, but true to form, i'm not.

i adorn myself with lies you see
until you barely can perceive
the weaknesses i try and heave
outta the fucken door

but just because i hide them well
dont mean that everything is swell
and trust me, people, time will tell:
i'll crumble soon for sure.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

alright who read the Sunday Times today? hands in the air children. come on, raise them so i can see them - GET YOUR HAND OUT OF YOUR FUCKEN ASS AND IN THE AIR YOUNG MAN - (10 points for anyone who gets that reference - *myself excluded of course. leave a tag) did ya'll see that girl in the back? the blogger y'noe. anyhow it wasnt that bad!! i lost faith in it at first when i saw that the website name is in Chinese (call me lingualist or languagist or whatever) but the site itself actually isnt too bad. dunno if i'd give it the best blog in Asia or whatever award it is she won, but its definitely better than lots i've read. she keeps it interesting, at least.

plus, she aint too ugly either =)

i aint gonna mention anything abt a particular area of my life i've been living. i dont think the world needs or deserves to know about anything that personal and private. but i'll leave this little bit here just so i remember what it all was when i look back in the future.

(bet ya'll were wondering why i'd be such a tease right? mention something and then refuse to talk abt it. well there you go bitches and gentlmen =)

(100 points for whoever gets THAT one).

anyone remember who's line is it anyway? the game where we make stuff up and the points dont count. that's right, the points are like giving J.Lo a pair of pants with a tag on them saying "will make your ass look smaller!"

(true to the spirit of the show, i made that one up. love it or hate it - aint my fucken problem)

simply deliciously ill
i'm stupendously blazingly sick
so wonderful now, to Death's forces i bow
Cancer! why that's just what i'd pick.

some say the world will end in fire
others say in ice
i say the world will end in ire
for which destruction shall suffice

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

everybody cries they say
everybody lies
everybody breathes they say
and everybody dies

but somehow that seems strange to me
that we should all believe
so completely what is given us
shoved in our faces. can you breath?

for i feel "them" pressing down on me
their weight upon my spine
it crushes me and makes me small
and their rules, they break my mind.

pretty bastard, self obsessed
you'll never see how you are blessed
others crawl there 'neath your feet
the air they breath aint cool and sweet
its smog-filled, black and nearly lethal.
but you know naught about such people
you live your life far, far above
such people with no time for love
no time for anything, i'd say
its work work work work work each day.
and yet you, with such time to kill
are bored and tired, popping pills.
what they would give to spend one hour
in your shoes. to feel the power

you hold ever so casually in your hands.


i still dont know whats going on
dont know which damn direction
my fucking life is going in
all they want is pure perfection

they want me to give them the best
but for WHAT? i put it to you.
why the fuck am i still striving hard
when, when all this shit is through

i still dont know what to do?


its like an invisible wall
which crowds around all
holding in thrall
till death.

society's pressure
corrupts and kills leisure
we no longer take pleasure
in breath.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

interesting day. couple of lessons learnt... only one of which is important enough to warrant recording here.

sometimes one should just stop asking. really!

oh yeah, i guess another one, also of paramount importance, is : I must stop needlessly sacrificing my pieces just because i think i can mate with just a queen and a rook. y'never know when a bishop and a knight (HORSE!) are gonna come in handy.

who knows how many games i've lost because of that kinda stupidity? and let's not forget my largely-abortive (always hyphenate - it only counts as one word if you do) "experiments".

Chess, people. I recommend it most highly.

In Other News (ION?? rotlmao :D)
attended several career guidance talks today - and if you're interested, no, they didnt provide much guidance at all. all i learnt from the first was that i can be a feminist helpline counsellour with just my 'O' level cert. um. right!!

of greater import was the Law talk - well it was really a dialogue session, which ms yeow most intriguingly was not a part of. i wonder why?

could it be that (Oh say it isn't so!) she ISN'T an ex-lawyer? By Heaven, surely such a thing cannot be? would one such as her lie about so trivial a thing? Thrice nay, ye cry!

but anyway. one of the speakers (who i STILL reckon is gay despite being married with kids - the poor bastards) mentioned that what keeps his interest alive is the constant thrill of spotting an opening one can exploit to win a case, argument, debate ecetera. this's very interesting, because that sort of constant demand on the intellect is EXACTLY what i was so psyched abt during Literature yesterday. once more i find myself contemplating Law.

its really ironic, coz all these years i've been steering away frm the wealth-and-supposed-happiness careers like Law and Medicine (goddamn doctors. no WONDER they're happy!! what other job lets you get some chick to take her clothes off, take your time examining her, and then send her husband the bill?!)

it was nice to be with the volleyball guys again actually. its been a while... didn't realise i'd missed them till i meet them again. y'noe how it goes.

y'noe that feeling you get when you're pissed and you don't know what to do abt it? try sleeping. it seems to disappear - at least it did for me :)

if it doesnt............... hey i ain't a psychiatrist (or is it psychologist? or social worker? or counsellor?)

Helpline number please!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

y'noe there're some risks where you cant bring yourself to take them without having full knowledge of relevant stuff?
well obviously knowing everything involved kinda stops it from being a risk any more, per se.
but aside from that........ well you're never gonna have all the information, are you. ergo you're never gonna take the risk.

so who knows what all of us might be missing?

but then there's nothing that can be done about things, sometimes. y'just gotta realise that.

it all seems to fade away
yes fade away it does
like when u drink and drink some more
but only get a buzz

a little tingly tiny feeling
that does not do a thing
what you WANT is to be really smashed
to stumble blindly and to sing.

yeah just like that it fades away
leaving loneliness behind
and solitude, once something loved
starts messing with your mind.

slowly driving you insane
it warps and bends you brain
till all you feel is sorrow
and you drown in all your pain.

its nice.... its still ringing in my head.
think about it: when was the last time you really trusted someone with everything? (Note: this DOESNT mean that you tell the person everything. it always gets me when people are like "Oh i didn't know that.... I thought we trusted each other!" . i mean COME ON. absolute trust doesnt mean you tell the other person how old you were when the vestiges of your UMBILICAL CORD fell off, does it?!) you kinda take the "giving" part pretty lightly, once you get over the initial "should i?" phase. it just kinda sits in the back of your head. "Oh yeah i trust him" kinda thing. but when you find out (Note on human stupidity: Sometimes we know things, but we still wanna be told. This can be a good thing, or a very, very, very bad thing) that YOU'RE completely trusted, then that's pretty damn cool :)

I single-handedly (and i quote!) carried the class through a Lit competition during Fahy's period today (its amusing........ judging by the new tags and all there'll be ppl who have NO idea abt some of this stuff. well wth.) and it really was quite invigorating. like i said to you, i'm seriously considering different careers now....... or at least an extended tenure as some form of student.

does a genius know he's a genius? i think you know when you're stupid...... primarily coz ppl tell you incessantly. but what about when you're incredibly intelligent? you don't get told nearly as much.... plus there's always the constant pressure to appear to fit in (it isn't just a physical thing). so how dya know? or do you just KNOW?

+165 or 156 or whatever it was is really a pretty damn high score. i strongly suspect that there was some mistake somewhere :D nah. a great score, it really is. not surprised though!

alright i've been told i'm "bushedd" :) (it works both ways and all i guess) so that's my time.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

i'm so wroth, my eyes make people die.

(basically that means i'm really really angry. just in case you didnt know :D)

you may be able to tell that i'm not, really.

+big ass hug going out right here

y'noe how some people can be so incredibly stupid? lessee.... here's an example. teacher comes into class and gives a test. student raises hand, and asks: "the test will end at 2.35pm right?" . teacher replies "Correct".
at two fucking THIRTY, teacher collects papers. explanation, "Oh we're going by my watch".
Let me count the ways:
FIRSTLY, get your fucking watch FIXED, you stupid bitch!!
SECONDLY, why in all the names of BLEEDING FUCKING HELL would i (you have, of course, realized this's abt ME, right? Right??) have asked if we will finish at 2.35pm by the TEACHER'S FUCKING WATCH?! notice that "teacher's fucking watch" implies that said watch is on the TEACHER'S wrist, not mine. how in the most sulphorous of hells am i supposed to see what bleeding time it is?
THIRDLY, if we're gonna use your watch, why do you think we have a CLOCK, proudly situated very visibly at the front of the class? is it a FUCKING ORNAMENT?


so now you're probably wondering why there's so much angst in the ol' system today right? well that test....... i KNEW HOW TO FUCKING SCORE AN A. and that's always nice, y'noe? and then she fucked around with the time, depriving me of it.

but whatever.

*God, just when its starting to sting really badly, you came along and fixed it with (hold on i'm counting) two setences, comprising no more than 15 words. now that's special.

it really really gets on my nerves when ppl are always talking abt how people who are supposedly arrogant, and proclaim their greatness all the time, are really just insecure. granted, that is the case more often than not. but you cannot go "Arrogant ergo insecure" all the time. sometimes, the confidence is well placed. and then its the fucking whiners who complain all the time that are really insecure.

plus, sometimes its all a joke anyway la. get a sense of humour already!!

i wish that through some magic word
i could take your pain away
vanish all your misery
make clean tomorrow's day

rhyme just cant do it anymore
i can't believe how much it hurts
just seeing
how bad it must be over there
is so painful, so
the very mind shrinks back
you know everything i'd say if i could
consider it said
and more.

i just hope things get better
or later.