Monday, November 24, 2003


we didnt make it. johnny fucking wilkinson did it again.
i mean sure, hats off to him. the man is undoubtedly brilliant. but he IS the reason why we lost.

hold on though. one question. what the FUCK was wendell sailor doing? the "oh so fantastic" convert from Rugby League MAY AS WELL HAVE NOT BEEN ON THE FUCKING PITCH. second half came around... i was like "hey where's that sailor guy?" and craig says "hmmm yeah where is h-- oh there he is" WHAT THE BLEEDING FUCK WAS HE DOING THE WHOLE GODDAMN GAME?

nothing. that's what.

tiqiri (i spell that right?) was good though. when he scored that first try i thot we were home safe.

and if we hadnt given that penalty away in overtime.... maybe. maybe.

gotta give it to the wallabies tho. they played their guts out. but only in the second half.


props to the lions, in all fairness.

there's always the Olympics next year! we're always good at that. swimming... running... jumping.. javelin... etc etc. England sucks at all that.


aside from our tragic loss yesterday was pretty good. had my first lesson with my $60 an hour student and he's a good kid! knows fuck-all about guitar tho. which is great. means i can teach him longer :)

then my own lesson - finally re-started my guitar lessons with dominic. most inspirational guy i've ever met. i model my teaching exactly after his.

then another lesson with the kid in church. then church itself. good sermon! but i got the damn bad news during church.


hooked up with michelle afterwards (hey sweet thang ;) leave a goddamn tag for heavens' sake!) ambled around town for a while. (sorry for taking so long at HMV k :D)

new game we played yesterday.... waiting until people are just abt to take their photo before running in between the camera and the subject screaming "SORRY!"

wayyyy fun :)

oh yeah weirdest thing... there were heaps of australians wondering around. u cld tell straight off. they were all mopy and sad and stuff.. some of them were wearing the beautiful jersey too... and they all seemed to be able to recognise that i australian! there were all these looks of shared misery. i even struck up short conversations with some of them at traffic lights. there was this one bloke who was CRYING!
oh and then we walked past what's it called..... that place opposite Specialists Shopping Centre.. there were just LOADS of them. and brits too. u could tell which was which.
the sad ones were the aussies.

the white, pasty, glow-in-the-dark, "we used to own the world"-looking ones were the tea-bags.

brits, i mean.


nah mustn't be bitter. the motherfuckers played well.

that's all really. its just a blooming shame that we had to lose when we'd come so far.
and i'm ashamed of doubting them too. they tried damn hard and almost, almost made it.

next time round we'll crush everyone.

hey just watched Matrix Reloaded again... interesting point: Neo shldnt have saved Trinity at all. she ends up dying anyway! in the 2nd one he shoulda gone straight from the Architect (pompous anal retentive bastard) through the OTHER damn door to the Source and dealt with Smith straight away. woulda saved a lotta damn lives in Zion.

of course we would have completely skipped part 3. so maybe it was worth it.

callous SOB aint i? :)

another thing: Neo says towards the end of Part 2, after saving Trin, that the prophecy isnt true. what is wrong with him? the prophecy said that once the One reaches THE SOURCE, the war will be over. the SOURCE y'bloody idiot. not "once the One reaches some dumb-ass faggot who insists on always wearing white and uses "ergo" too damn much the war will be over". Neo completely forgot that! he DIDNT go the source. instead he went off to save trinity.

he shouldnt have bothered!

why oh why didnt Neo read the script for Revolutions?!!!
then he woulda known it wasnt worth it. he and the architect coulda had a quick beer before he went off for his date with the might Source-dude.

the prophecy WAS true. once he reached the source the war DID end.

oh well. it made for a good third movie.

screw all you people who said it sucked.

*buttered toast is such a delight.

slip away
or run and play
it really doesnt matter
slit your wrists.
the knife u twist
and then your blood shall splatter

that about does it for today then doesnt it?


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