Monday, November 17, 2003

step up step up
to the motherfucking microphone

some people lie outta their goddamn asses! drives me up the fucking wall!

its been a while since i was in here.
"semantics/but its really good to be back/never lacing a track/just placing my rap"

anyone get that? Will Smith people!
speaking of Big Willie, i never got around to buying his latest album
same goes for Limp Bizkit's

LIMP BIZKIT CONCERT ON THE THIRD OF DECEMBER! WHO'S WITH ME! Jon i noe you are. straight down in the mosh pit motherfucker.

im sorry victor but SHORT TROLL! my GOD that's quite a good one. you gotta admit.

spate of fucking anonymous taggers EVERYWHERE it seems. bloody annoying.
Homophobes and Advocate are evidently from CJC though. which explains why they're losers.

that place will do that to you if you aren't possessed of extraordinary self-control.
which of course i am.


moving along... :)
skipping volleyball today. my ankle feels all fucked up. shouldnt have played ball yesterday.

oh yeah before i forget: AUSTRALIA BEAT NEW ZEALAND. coupla days late i noe. but i didnt blog on Saturday. the aussies in church (including me!) were all just waiting on Saturday night for the news. and half of us started crying with joy when we found out.

it means a lot to us.

as for the Kiwis... too bad

funny thing is, most of us had no faith whatsoever in the Wallabies. i mean up till last Saturday they really had been playing rather shoddy lets face it. and then they trashed the All Blacks! way to GO!

and now England's beaten France. (i SWEAR that black guy who gut sin-binned - number 6 i think - is gay. he SO likes penis) so my fav two teams are going head to head in the finals. and we all know who's gonna win.

for all the All Blacks fans out there:


-ducks again- its getting to be a habit aint it.

well lets see. FUCKING LIARS. $150 for my gig? bull fucking shit. i got $20. they said there was a miscommunication. so i wasted 9 goddamn hours.

but who gives a damn. quite a few cute girls were there. so yeah :)

latest development: Homophobes reveals the true depth of his stupidity by failing to pick up on the fact that i said SYLLABLES and not SYLLABUS.
this was my post ""white trash"?cmon u can do better than THAT, 1's so old it creaks.congrats on "unrequited" tho.4 whole syllabless.u even spelt it right!" and he cldnt fucking get it.

how sad.

"homophobic?/nah you're just heterophobic/staring at MY jeans watching my genitals bulging/those are MY balls/they belong in MY scrotum/you'll never get hold of them!"

Eminem bitches and gentlemen.
(double lifting from his raps there!)

funny how easily i seem to have forgotten people! they've just slipped outta my mind. i never wld have expected it.

spose things are gone then. not even a reply! well for one week at least things were absolutely dandy. felt good to be friends and comfortable.

Project Work right? they have this question thingy u gotta do after u finish the presentation. well i liked mine, so here you go:
1. I have learnt some useful research skills.
I've learnt to compile survey results, if that counts.

2. I have tried several approaches and considered alternatives.
Well, yes, to an extent.

3. I have not given up easily when faced with difficulties.
No difficulties were faced, so this question is rendered meaningless.

4. I have demonstrated commitment to this project.
As much as any other group member, which isnt very much.

5. I have shown initiative.
Here and there.

Hell i wanna shoot MYSELF :) as char said, im a bastard.

oh, and yes, i did hand that in.


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