Sunday, October 12, 2003

juxtaposition = a damn beautiful word. but then you've always impressed me.
dont think i ever told you that did i?

and yeah ours was fucking complicated. but hey im glad you didnt cut off communications. i've learnt from you more than i've learnt from anyone else in class.

uh huh this entry's pretty much dedicated to u. i figure chermy's already had one aight :)

what can i say? arrogance fucked things up first term. then things got better. and now its fucked things up for the final time.

but hey in all honesty thanks for the goddamn memories man! you are an absolutely amazing person.

IF that bit abt apologies was in any way connected to me, then im confused. i cant see how u shld be apologising at all!

yeah it was virtually impossible. but hey when we DID make it work it was one of the most amazing friendships i've ever had. so to me it was WORTH staying up til 3 am assuring u that i didnt hate u (that wasnt that long ago... whats happened since?) i'd do it all again in an instant.

solitude is wat u want and i understand that. im praying for u and indeed for everyone every day. hey, even if i dont make it to next year u lot will eh? and hey any time u need anything printed, or a plastic bag or whatever, im your man/ang moh/fag/girly guy. whatever. im here... arrrogance and all :) but im working on that.

so in signing off, thanks for everything. even the blocking off episode was hilarious in the end. and just think, our last good conversation (well to me at least) involved it. so it was all good. and that's how i'll remember all this. as one long blissful friendship. even if that wasnt quite what it was. cheers and God bless


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