Thursday, October 09, 2003

first off, fuck all you small little cunts. fuck every goddam single one of you.

no this isnt for everyone. just for the ones im pissed with.

i mean FOR GODDAMN FUCK'S SAKE if you're going to write :"anw..a certain sum1 has become increasingly annoyin to all others.sheesh..come back to earth u half angmoh!" why dont u stop being a FUCKING STUPID asshole who wont TELL ME TO MY FUCKING FACE and instead hide behind pseudo-veiled lines like that? i mean CINDY, it is GODDAM OBVIOUS that its me you're talking about. thanks for the reminder about being half-ang moh too. i probably would have forgotten about that wouldnt i. why dont u grow some DAMN GUTS and just write my NAME in there? or is three syllables too damn long for you?

its just charming to know that i've become "increasingly annoyin to all others". admittedly this entry was on Tuesday. but hey i noe all you little people get together and bitch about others la. cmon you're all guilty. fess up. more'n half of you have bitched WITH me about your supposed friends. this whole thing is ridiculous.

Cindy: im not really pissed with you, contrary to what the above would give you cause to think. just seems kinda hypocritical that u can sit arnd with ppl bitching abt me and yet come to school the next day and sit at the same table with me, borrowing trans notes from me too. i just dont get that at all. if you're pissed with me then tell me or stay away from me! "sheesh" yourself.

spose it was tuesday night that i was notified slightly about this brewing despisal of me. thanks oh surfwear brand :) and no i aint upset at anyone really.

i cant explain it to be honest. well first off im dead tired and sunburnt. so tt doesnt help. also i figured Cindy was my friend... and this isnt what i'd expect. lets just put it that way (yeah i KNOW others are pissed too. but cindy's the one im sure of at the moment. sorry Cin. i know its unfair). thirdly: so ya'll think im arrogant. so TELL ME?!! or dont. i mean hey i dont bitch when u have a fucking annoying voice or think u whine too damn much do i?

ppl are telling me not to be polite and all. so yeah.

but anyway ppl dont care any more when im pissed at them. figures, since most of them arent my friends any more. they just say they are. some dont even bother with that much. well fuck all of you.

*i dont know how all of you (especially Cindy) are going to take this entry. frankly for most of you i dont give a damn. if you're going to do what it is you seem to have been doing obviously friedship counts for absolute shit with you anyway.

++admittedly i quite possibly have been arrogant recently. sure get pissed, but im not TRYING to be. i just come outta the exam hall very happy and i wanna tell someone. surely some of you can understand that.

plus, i've been very harsh in this entry. dont take it too badly all of you that care. im exhausted and this has just hit me at precisely the wrong time. think mood swings (which to most of you are an acceptable excuse - i fully agree btw. they are fucked up, and hit you at the worst times).

anw. skated the whole day today. fucking fun. went with Aaron and Exo. lets see: fell down and bruised my hip, my hands have bursted vessels everywhere, im sunburnt and i have a friction burn on my elbow. in other words, FUCKING FUN! exo fell off a 6(?more i guess) foot high quarter pipe ramp. and i tried dropping in off one SO many times i've lost count.

forgive the unwarranted rage tonight everyone. but some of it IS warranted i reckon. well thats my POV anw. take it or leave it. when it comes down to it i still love all of you anw. that sounds totally at odds with the above i noe.

Exo: I love you man. thanks for everything. EXCEPT taking my money all the time. u did the right thing today man. u really did.

What's in a name?


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