Friday, October 03, 2003

~_haggard places, tired eyes. sagging faces, same old lies. tell me please, coz im wondering. u urself, our love defies

~_plastic bags and paper rags. coins to throw to filthy hags. Damn this world is fucking slow. How i hate the way it lags.

~_Filthy people, filthy lies. empty faces and soulles eyes. damn right go hide in that guise. see its you that i despise.

just three of my recent nicks :D.

i dunno man. promos are on Monday.

things shld be alright. one can hope. VERY HARD.

strangely today was a great day.
ran 8 rounds with Mar during break. yeah it was FUCKING hot. but still...
mar says my legs look skinnier!! (as to how i've lost the weight, sorry babs i have no idea :) good Good GOOD! need to lose more though. or bulk up with muscle...........

losing weight's easier :D

absolutely thoroughly enjoyed the conversation today. all the various parts. everything was great. contrary to what many people STILL persist in thinking, that's all i want now! good conversation with a good friend. and of course the friendship itself la! that goes without saying.

i wish some of you would GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!!

nothing else really happened. oh yeah every teacher fully expects T3 to NOT be entirely promoted. which is damn true. damn sad though.

plastic rags and people's bags
luggage what makes things lag.
overcast night, and cloudy day
same old life and same old day.

too tired for a long entry today....

still feeling that pleasant buzz..... funny how it lasts so long.
*hope things are ok!

Wherefore art thou?


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