Saturday, September 27, 2003

thank you very much. you've made the prospect of today a much more enjoyable one.
its always nice to noe what one is and what one isn't allowed to do. rules make things much easier.

(that shoulda made it obvious that im talkin to you. heeeeeeeelllllllllloooooooo?? :D )

so yeah. i've had a good start to my day. measuring my start as the first interaction with ppl outside of my family. coz i've been up SINCE EIGHT studying.

the promos are the most FUCKING STRESSFUL things ever. NOTHING comes close to this. i'm telling ya'll straight. its ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY TERRIBLE. nothing comes close.

btw: ur part of that list of ppl i mentioned that only has exo on it. that probably didnt come across in the conversation. sure sometimes it dont seem like that. but nonetheless..... yeah :)

what else?

y'noe how u can sometimes be really worried abt something.. and then the person/thing who/which is causing the worry tells/otherwise informs you that everything is ok? sometimes you REALLY DO shake with relief. kinda freaky i'm telling u. but yeah its a thoroughly enjoyable sensation.

*seems some of my observations about people's natures are remembered!! i'm honoured to have them reproduced.*

for those of you who are wondering how im going to follow up to yesterday's angst and anger, i remind you that THIS IS NOT A FUCKING SOAP OPERA. if you're looking for those kinda kicks, ur a sick bastard. but that aside, look elsewhere please!

that about does it for today. my plans are NOT to step outta the house till church. get some solid study and practice done. HOPEFULLY i'll be productive.

^for everyone who i've ever said i'd pray for: i still am! so keep hope. things'll get better/your health'll improve/you'll cheer up/whatever it is that im praying for will show signs of progress (threw that last one in there to cover everything :D ) take heart^

+truly amazing thou art! never fails to blow me away. how you do it i do not noe. thanks again+

and now for a quote eh?

lemme see....

speaking of which, so far NO ONE has left a tag identifying any of my quotes! im not really surprised though :) arrogant prick that i am.

here's an easy one

If it were done, 'tis well 'twere done quickly.


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