Tuesday, September 16, 2003

i'm reading someone's stuff right now..... n im feeling pretty lousy
regardless of whether or not im one of the persons being mentioned, i still reckon im guilty of some of the things mentioned.
heaven knows i've been a bloody lousy friend sometimes
but pain was NEVER intentionally caused. thats all i can say in mitigation.
n maybe there has been a lil frontin going on. i dunno. but i dont think so.

i hope so at least.

once again, i say that i'm not making the assumption anything was about me. just figured i shld apologise is all.

yup i definitely feel bad. doubly so if it IS about me.


lets shunt all that stuff aside then shall we? (apology still stands though).

weather today was fucking nice during PE. but it turned into a goddam hell hole of a hot place the break.

anyhow. ran ELEVEN rounds with mar during PE. *mar it really was just coz u hadnt eaten im sure. we'll try again sometime yeah :)

yeah 11 rounds. trust me man! my word is beyond all shadow of a doubting thomas (another literary reference there. once again, leave a tag if u recognise it. i'd be interested to know if anyone's read the book).

blah blah blah. nothing really happened today to tell the truth.

right now i'm at home. all alone as well. kinda cool :D i've got Korn's Follow the Leader playin right now. one of my fav CDs. They've got an album coming out this year!

as do Limp Bizkit btw. 23rd of September. cant wait. n give them a break! they may be commercialized. i'm not gonna argue that (primarily coz i cant be bothered. not coz i agree). but they're still really good.

found Ben Elton's High Society in the library today. which means once i finish this i'll have read ALL his books. which sucks. dunno who i'll turn to for sharp British humour after him. once again, leave a tag if u have a suggestion please!

Contributions will be much appreciated.

God i sound like one of those bloody beggars (alliteration ya'll. check it out :D ) who go arnd asking for donations.

oh well.

So i see this face so innocent
and sweet....... time
So i see this face and rea-lise its
.............. mine

ppl are really dying like flies these days y'noe. they really are.

such is life. we're ALL dying i spose. just that some of us rush towards it much faster than others.

God willing i'll take my time getting towards it.

hell i take my time with everything else.

Take a look at the above two sentences. one starts with God and the other with Hell. the Creator and the place where his antithesis resides. wat a coincidence.

k im tripping :)

i wonder i wonder
how life used to be
back in the past
its a mystery

did they then go thru
wat we go thru now?
the same blind wanderings
and the wonderings "how?"

did they ask the same questions?
and be confused by life?
did they look for a husband?
or look for a wife?

did they worry too much
like a dog at a bone
abt things that shld, really
be left well alone?

im guessing they did
i'm really nothing new.
but hey, we're unique.
well i am. how bout you?

uh huh. TOTALLY trippin' :)

spose i shld leave.

if you have time and are so inclined: go check out a band called Whiteheart. They're a christian band. now, before that puts you off, they are really damn good. some of the best guitar work i've ever heard. n its not wussy stuff either. try it sometime why dont u.


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