Tuesday, July 27, 2004

blogging on demand... demand for blogging... an industry which isn't worth entering into due to the massively high production costs involved, as well as non-cost factors like stress and forced creativity... PLUS Production and Cost notes sitting in my bag :)


some of you are, doubtless, wondering what all of that means. i'd tell you, i swear i would. in fact, i'd tell you straight away the next time i see you. if you were to call me after reading this, i'd even tell you straight away. problem is, you see, however, on the other hand and BUT, i don't know.


i was just wondering out loud to myself what it is that gets me the most distracted. talking, or my phone? to which i replied that i've been messaging all my life, so it must be the talking. thus, i shall resolve to talk less. (Quiet down front!! no laughing y'hear).

(isn't this cool? i swear i'll die at the ripe old age of like 90 or something, and people STLL WON'T FUCKEN GET IT)


"No bitch, i aint gonna eat."
"yeah ho i'm eating today. what's it to you muthafucka?"
"sure i'm eating. just dont follow me around LIKE A GODDAMN SHEEP!!"
damn but aint colours fun?


alright so a little recap: got fucked like hell on saturday (vicariously, admittedly. but what the hey, eh? ) during PTM. but what's new? also had Kang message me outta the blue.... which was kinda nice, i guess, but i don't wanna get mixed up with all that shit again.

one person i WOULD like to get mixed up with also carried out extensive conversations with me over the weekend. but you voyeur vultures ain't getting shit, quit panting.


started reading The Da Vinci Code (thanks). interestingly, it seems to have something of a global impact. now why is that? i'd be the last person to say its boring - far from it. but honestly, its a TERRIBLY written book. it relies on the heretical, obviously-well-researched subject matter to engage the reader. if Dan Brown ever writes Fantasy, for example, count me out.
don't let me stop you from reading it though. i strongly advocate the intellectual experience. and for those who've read it, my new favourite number is definitely 1.618. wasn't that the freakiest??



sometimes i watch you, and feel so sad. you deserve better...... or at least he should treat you better, i think. i see that look on your face when he flirts (or whatever you want to call it. God knows it isn't very advanced flirting, that's for sure) and it just seems unfair. i've got abt the most perfect vantage point too. he uses you, sometimes, i feel. like i've noticed, you should be more assertive, and speak up more.

it's not really my problem, but this is where i express myself, so consider me expressed :)


so today actually turned out pretty alright. i was expecting like major seperation and all, which really wouldn't have been much fun (remember the intrusion of a smaller one a while back?) but it seems to be alright. i mean seriously teachers are all just so much balderdash sometimes ("balderdash", of course, being another word for BULLSHIT). plus the biggest worry of 'em all seems to think side-by-side is a GOOD thing!

this constand feeling of a need to encrypt my words is actually kinda fun. my only worry is that most of you won't get it :) hahahaha.




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