Monday, July 05, 2004

some friend eh? sometimes i really dont know why i ever bothered with you..... why i stand up for you, even now.

fucking fake.

always have been, i guess. but everyone makes mistakes.

the duality of those statements appeal strongly to me at the moment. not that anyone else outside of my head will understand what it is i'm saying. and that's quite likely a good thing.

its funny really... looking arnd me relationships dont seem to be causing anyone anything but pain - in the short run or the long run. but headlong into them we still go. stupid animals, arent we? and yet Rage Against the Machine still laughs at moths in a lamp shade.

saw Spiderman 2 today. i put it to you, ladies and gentlemen, that that movie has risen above the everyday movie, transcending most of Hollywood's trash, to become true art. Spiderman 2 is, to me, a work of art, nothing less.

but more on that tomorrow.

at the same time i'm rediscovering the delight of talking to you. i'd forgotten what it was like - quite unlike anything else. its good to know you feel i'm there even when i'm not - and i'm glad i can help, "no matter the distance or time" :)

what about +you? where are you? hope everything's gone well for you today - better than things went for me, at least. but is that possible? :D

sometimes i feel so alone
i feel like i might die
lonely like the sun, i feel.
alone i drift across the sky.

when does friendship stop being friendship and start becoming clingyness?

when its fucking annoying, that's when. when you feel you can't stand to have the other person around. THAT'S when.


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