Wednesday, July 21, 2004

an anvil's black and shiny
and very heavy too
so watch out my chubby friend
or one may fall on you.


always good to start things on a nice cheerful note. who wouldn't want an anvil dropping on them, i mean really?


half caught glances like every FIVE FUCKEN MINUTES. (forgive me, i lie. six, maybe?) it can get kinda edgy/annoying/disturbing. i mean its not even flattering any more.

of course its not REALLY disturbing. just slightly discomforting sometimes. (wait, isn't that the same thing? -takes another hit- oh hi there Mickey! what, you wanna sing for me?) i wonder just how much effort it'd take to reel her in. if it wasn't for a particularly bad experience earlier in my life (God i hope she isn't reading this :D) i would try, and to Hell with the consequences. try just for kicks.

friend of mine just came online, and his nick was a phrase i coined some time last year. it was in one of my blog entries, for those of you who are my loyal readers. (Look, i like to think there are some. just humour me, alright? the truth can hurt sometimes).
"Fight for world intelligence, not peace".
now before you throw it out as rubbish, think about it. which is better: a planet full of peaceful, but FUCKING STUPID and placid, ne'er-do-wells (God i love that phrase) who will never further the human race? or a globe populated with increasingly intelligent people - people who will, quite possibly, cease fighting anyway, realising as they quite likely will that war is a waste of time?
(this doesn't agree with the take some people have on such matters..... authors like Herbert believe that Chaos is a necessary part of the continuation of humanity, and that war is one manifestation of this Chaos. i actually reckon there's a helluva lotta truth in that.)


it would be funny to some cosmic being out there if you were putting out all the signals and i ignored them coz i thought it couldnt possibly be true. funny to that galactic creature, yes, but not to me.


Red, yellow, pink and blue
orange and purple too
green, white, dark grey and brown
i love 'em all. and you?


yeah blogger's got colour now, i've discovered. expect many bad colour schemes in the very (SCARILY) near future, ladies and gents.


i'd write something short and sweet
but i dont know if i can
i'd write something long and sad
but right now i aint the man.
currently i just sorta feel
like one of the walking dead
supposed to be horizontal
and yet not on my bed
i dont know what i'm doing here
i dont know why i breathe
and if i were to die like, now,
would you notice as i leave?




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