Friday, October 24, 2003

keep watering down shit/
thinking you can rap with that artificial outfit/
your baggy pants and your bottle of crack hits?/
fuck all of that shit/
fuck all you poseurs/
let go of the mic kid/

the beautiful thing about blogs is that you can write ANYTHING you want in 'em.
of course the most abhorrent thing about blogs is that you can write ANYTHING you want in 'em and then people read 'em. and its easy to say "well dont give the addy to them!" but we all know there are nosy motherfuckers out there and in HERE who dont respect people's privacy. so i guess that's just something im gonna have to deal with. life's a bitch aint it?

i'd refer you to one of my entries where i've explored that last sentence (any of you remember it?) but since i dont have archives (as people have complained loudly about in the past) i'd have to send you scrolling and scrolling and scrolling just to find an entry which you probably wont think much of anyway!
maybe now i've piqued (god i LOVE that word!) your interest enough so that you'll go look for it of your own accord. Reverse psychology for you. 'Tis a beautiful thing indeed.

speaking of psychology, does anyone here ever use the term Freudian Slip? i have in the past, but its bloody irritating. everyone goes "Huh? what's that?" and then you hafta explain the whole damn term. which kinda takes the fun outta the whole thing. thats what you get for trying to make conversation INTERESTING i spose.

lets see.... im kinda feeling really DEAD. i have no desire to leave the house at all. in fact i'm quite content to sit my bi-racial ass at home the whole day and blog. (Blog period anyone? :D ) "but i aint really mad/at the Hey Hey"

what i REALLY REALLY wanna do is go to Australia. but that looks like its probably not gonna happen now coz everyone THERE is coming HERE. damn.

out of sight
and out of mind
fat ass chicks
and huge behinds
tiny dicks
and little clocks
place your head
upon the block
raise the knife
and plunge it down
i'll watch you die
without a sound

ooooo that's kinda dark aint it? :)

its funny how some people say
that i am narcississtic
can i plead in my defence
that im just optimistic?
you see if one is positive
one takes the happy view
that one is much better than,
well, better than, say, you.
its really just being hopeful you see
coz deep down we noe its fake.
YOU'RE the one who thinks you're better
Now have and eat your cake.

maybe that's a little bit of an up-yours. maybe it aint :D

sagging jeans and daggy shirts
Globe shoes and Zero decks
boxers, wheels, Destructor trucks
broken noses, bloody flecks.

and THAT is just more skate nonsense.

should i have a little reflective part here? seems to be something of a trend in recent posts that i've read. well lets see. i'd be literal and take a look in a mirror but it'd probably crack and break. and mirrors are SUCH a pain to clean up.

alright i'm rambling i can tell.
i;m slipping slowly into hell
i've got the Bizkit playing in my ear
and all my fears are drawing near.
rhymes flow straight out from my hands
while my mind flits off to distant lands
i really should come back to Earth
(or at least go back to Perth.
Boring as that city is,
its in my country, aint it Queen Liz?)

so down from the stars i drop
into the dreary world below.
a world where things dont make much sense
some suck. and others blow.
(get your mind off THAT!
that isnt what i meant!
oh hold on you weren't thinking that? my bad.
guess MY mind is bent.)
i spose it doth behove me
to once more go forth. whither
all the ones have gone before.
A ghostly hand reaches, pointing "Thither"

i was getting the willies towards the end of that.

guess that does me for now.

I came, i saw, i said "Hey nice view"


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