Monday, June 30, 2003

well well....... interesting day :D woke up late... which lead me to having to wait 1/2 an hour for a cab... and THAT led to me being 15 minutes late for my history exam. which was actually pretty exhilarating. adrenaleine pumped n all that :) so anw..... i sat down to my paper. and i KNEW HOW TO DO EVERYTHING!!!! that eensy bit of study i did actually paid off. so that was WAY cool. 'cept that daniel, who was sitting beside me, was stressed out. totally tripped. he was huffing n all...... (maisie if ur reading this.... SHHHH) so anw history was fine. i actually used FIVE COUNTRIES in each of rajoo's papers. ^5 to myself if i may :D n GP was fine. but thats no big deal all i wanted was a pass anw. so i was sitting in the audi (auditorium for the uninitiated) and i was bored, so i wrote poetry as i often do as those of u who are familiar with my exam patterns will noe. (u shouldnt be in here tho..... wth nvm) well yeah i always either cut out paper men or write poetry. go figure :D so here it is. mar said its kinda good!!!! official endorsement :D

I sit there
Within my chair
My mind is miles away
With every breath
Approaches death
At least thats what they say
"death approaching?
"how revolting
"a topic" is what you'd think
But is it truly
When it really
Approaches with every blink?
With every passing second
The Grim Reaper beckons
Calling us to the fold
But I think that
Is loads of crap
All I know is THE AUDI'S COLD!!!!!

hahaha its going really grim and solemn like right up till the third last line aint it :D i like it.... well anw its been a good day.... that subway sandwich was what i needed too!!! but char, u n not finishing ur food... its just WEIRD. wayy weird thats all i can say :D im gone


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