Sunday, May 23, 2004

i wonder.... oh well i'll ask later. i hope not, though.

funny... wait till i tell you the dream i had! seems what the conscious mind dwells on during the day does indeed affect the subconscious mind's dreaming at night.

it was surprising how disturbed i was (disturbed, perturbed, my word :D) i wldnt have expected that if asked prior. the more a person means to oneself the more their opinion or feelings vis a vis oneself counts right? well who counts more than oneself? (hahahaha - get that?) spose i just never stopped to think about it. now that i noe, on the other hand, at least i wont do it again.

or so i say. i'll make slips, i'm sure. forgive me in advance? :)

In Other News:
been sick over the weekend. fucking annoying, the flu. it really is. fucks up the way you feel, makes you lethargic and all, PLUS of course there's the non-stop-nose-drip. EVERYONE loves that, dont they. but i shan't whine.

My Best Friend's Wedding's on in the background... i was abt to comment that there are some amusing similarities (they say the same thing at the same time etc) and also to say that there are SOME good friends who are male and female - but then Julia Roberts goes and falls in love with said best friend. so there goes THAT comparison. oh well :)

emotional baggage is SUCH a drag. for yourself, and perhaps even more so for the people around you. its hard to just tell them to snap outta it tho. solutions, people?

emotional baggage just weighs you right down
it drags you and drags you deep into the ground
and slowly you make less and less of a sound
until, before you know it, by baggage you're bound
never to escape.

but being morose never got anyone anywhere now did it? so fuck that.

hokay so here's the Earth, right


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