Thursday, May 06, 2004

so much to say i dont noe where to start.

and tonight, of all nights, i dont have much time.

i noe it might sound like absolute crap, but the more i think abt it the more i think its true. funny how it struck me how alike we are just when i was pondering how different you are in that one way. like i said, if i was a girl i'd be u. 'cept i'd have bigger......... yeah :)
it also throws the whole of last year into disturbing relief. now if THAT ain't narcissism, i dont noe what is. and just stfu, you :)

i dont noe why, but sometimes you can really GET ON MY NERVES. PUSHING thru and going "what what what" - - - - i swear to God, i could................

*Starlight and Non-Being

its sad to see one of the few teachers one genuinely likes leave the college. i'm just glad i did the right thing before he left.

school these days is sorta like long dull boring periods punctuated by brief flashes of intense fun. which, in a way, is kinda nice. non-stop fun would grow tiring, ironically.

+i just want my fucking money, dammit! forget all the bullshit and give it to me already!

my mind's just swimming. i can't think.

to sleep, perchance to dream


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