Thursday, January 29, 2004

Two men are sitting in a train compartment, passing the time, albeit rather slowly. Man A is sleeping, but slowly wakes up to find that man B is busy tearing pages out of a yellow pages directory and throwing said pages out of the compartment window.

Man A, puzzled for what should be obvious reasons, questions man B:

Man A “ What on earth are you doing?”

Man B “Using these yellow pages to keep away the flying pink elephants.”

Flabbergasted, man A says “What are you talking about? There ARE no pink elephants!”

With a triumphant look on his face, man B replies “I know. Its working isn’t it?”

like that one? :)

some important birthdays coming up! strikes me as kinda ironic that one of the people whom i have NO idea of what to get is one who herself has problems getting things for other people.

maybe what i shld do is leave it til right before the 17th and then ask her to help me pick out a present for her.

that'd be one way to get a laugh :)

if a witty saying doesnt prove anything to you it COULD just be that you aren't capable of appreciating the intelligence behind it.

Besides, a witty saying proves that you are, of course, WITTY.


(sorry mate couldnt resist that)

Everything's so blurry
And everyone's so fake
And everybody's so empty
And everything is so messed up
Pre - occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
You could be my sea
You know that i'll protect you
From all of the obscene
I wonder what your doing
Imagine where you are
There's oceans in between us
But that's not very far
-----Puddle of Mudd-----

the song was exerting a lot of "control" over me today :)

(anyone get that?)

"school's a blast in a very minor way." i second that. although sometimes its better'n that.

i still say its weird how we can so often say exactly the same thing at exactly the same time (fahy smokes a pipe!) and yet ALSO so often we can have two COMPLETELY different things in mind and have what would seem like a perfectly normal conversation abt whatever it isn't for a while....... and then its so hilarious when one or both of us realise that we're not quite thinking on the same planet :)

dawn! steph! jack! where ya'll at?

jack you owe me a bong :)

to all the stupid bastards who INSIST fark is how it shld be spelt, fUCk off. it aint.

i aint sure, but i THINK mrs khoo doesnt despise me now. at least as much as she did before.

lastly, for fio: Noice!!


that's my time


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