Monday, December 22, 2003

first off: saw the Return of the King on Friday night... it was oooooooook. if i'd never read the book and if i wasnt a fan i woulda said it was fantastic. but there were too many changes to the movie... some of which i reckon are betrayls.
the biggest would have to be the cutting out of Saruman. Christopher Lee must be VERY pissed off. he's like one of the biggest fans of Tolkien! he does the intro for some of the official books for fuck's sake! and then they cut his scenes out AFTER being filmed.

no wonder he skipped the premiere. i would too.

but still, credit must be given to Jackson and the crew. they've done a fantastic job in most areas.

and in all honesty probably what most fans of Tolkien (the books, not the movies) say is right: most of the people who watch the movie wouldnt get an awful lot of the stuff that's been left out.

which is why they watch, and not read.

saw the trailers for Sky Captain and Spiderman 2 on saturday... they both look pretty hot! although Dr Octopus looks pretty wussy.
saw the trailer for Hell-Boy too!!! which looks way rad. should be cool.

'ello 'ello 'ello.

god you little fucking whiner! always wallowing in your bloody self-pity and bullshit. grow the fuck UP would you!

finally picked out which pair of skate shoes im getting... the Jim Greco signatures from Vans. tried 'em out... they've got good grip and real good protection.

already developed ollie marks on 2 pairs of shoes... time to buy skate ones :)

cough and die
you little worm
and as you gasp
i'd watch you squirm
curled up tight,
forget what life is
you're gonna die
you've got bronchitis.

you're just too good to be true
cant take my eyes off've you
you be like heaven to touch
i wanna hold you so much
at long last love has arrived
and i thank gof you're alive
you're just too good to be true
damn. i must be sniffing glue.

it just hit me one day while i was listening to the song :)

and as these holidays come to a close, i come to the end of an era. a very SHORT era (danny devito sized) but nevertheless an era. i've changed inexplicably this hols... only God knows how or why. but i have.
more in touch with myself and also more distant... but definitely more free in expression.

also more versed in alcohol. :)

but that's another story.

fuck 2003. its over and done with. well just about. and the only things i wanna take away from it are the things i've learnt.

and no i dont mean history and economics and lit.
although of course it'd be good if i could take some of that away with me too :)

so T3 next year is who? me, exo, daniel, victor, cindy, marissa, nicole, fiona, phoebe. is that really it? wonder whether clara took the supps.

spose i'll find out in two weeks eh?

its weird to be so bittersweet over nothing . but then such is loife (cockney accent there)

life can be a crock of shit
and you can be the bowl
that contains this so-called "life"
(that means shit fills your whole)
on the other hand it is
sometimes still pretty nice
there's always things that heat life up
give it a little spice.

as for this year its good and done
so fuck it. lets move on
next year will probably be the same
with angels and hell's spawn
crawling out the damn woodwork
making things just so dandy.
well thank God for alcohol
Beer and wine and brandy.

if i dont come back in here before Christmas:

merry christmas one and all!
merry christmas to T3!
i havent got you anything
(thank God there is no tree

under which to put the stuff
it would be very bare
so this way it works out well
plus, i've change to spare)

consider this a present, then
in lieu of something real
thanks for everything this year
showing me how it feels

to be happy, sad and just ok
worked up and pretty snazzed
miserable, pissed off and wild
and yet still really jazzed.

you guys are cool, you really are
bunch of misfits, dicks and rebels
even if we cant rock together
well hell we can still pebble.

to all my other friends out there
i haven't forgot you!
(lousy bunch of faithless friends!)
Merry Christmas to you too!

i wouldnt be what i am today
without all of you people
and lets not debate today
whether that's good or evil.

lets take some time to sit and chill
and try to remember
that christmas AINT abt the gifts
its Christ's birthday in December.

but if that doesnt work for you
hey man its still ok
on the 25th, just you promise me
you have a real rad day.


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