Tuesday, December 30, 2003

what the fack i want a caravan for if it aint got no fackin wheels?

"you want sugar, Brick Top?" "no thanks Turkish. I'm sweet enough"

ahh yes, Snatch. one of THE most brilliant movies ever, without a doubt.
Brad is Rad!

well lets see.

first off i am REALLY tired. slept at 3.30 and for some unknown reason woke up at 9?! couldnt sleep. in some ways its good i spose because SCHOOL starts in THREE DAMN DAYS.


ahhhh nubile J1s to look at. One can hope.
of course all one can do is hope. one cant really influence things in that area very much.

was going to cross the causeway today but the weather is shite so i might not. time will tell if all is swell.

to see you when i wake up
is a gift..... i didnt...... think could be real
to know that you feel the same
as i do
is a three fold utopian dream

You do something to me
that i cant..... explain
so would i be outta line
if i said....... i miss you

my God incubus is a great band!


let's get some goddamn colour in here! somebody puke or something.

so. she's gone for good.
that's it. she up and left.
i cant believe it, how it feels
to be just totally bereft
of her. her presence, her touch
her won-d-rous laugh
her humour, her smile.
now i am but half
of what i once was
my life is like hell
because she is gone.
sweet michelle.



its coming around again
they're letting it out again
its coming around again
they're letting it out again
when it comes,
it comes abrupt

that's right. new year's just around the corner. i'm particularly happy i managed to squeeze in a nice lil conversation 2 days before school starts again. just feels good. thanks! fun, as always.

so what else is new? oh yeah i got my grecos! fuck man they were $120 US! but they're worth it, at least i think so. not quite good looking, but nice as hell to skate in.

I'd hit it! *wink* to those who know :) esp to one who's been newly initiated into the knowledge!

aaron! jack! Dawn! Steph! cmon guys its time to do something MASSIVE before school goes back. 50 step ollie or something!

get some BALLS already!

i dunno where im going, but i DO know where i've come from. and its a little messy back there. what with love/hate (hahahahahahaahaa.... just thinking abt it) relationships and all, 2003 was a weird year. but like i've said i had fun. the bitterness expressed in previous entries is valid, but really quite a small part of the whole deal. i just got carried away.

and 2004 should be, at the least, interesting!

happy new year to us
let's sing Auld Lang Syne
or at least hum the tune
the words aint in my mind

goodbye 2 0 0 3
and good riddance to parts
we won some and lost some
broke and mended some hearts

a new year is coming
and new chances are too
i'm kinda excited.
are you?


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