Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Took a break from the blog thing, went on hiatus

Distubing fact of the day: I got the same SAT score as Joyce from school! How is that even possible?? (its a shame this is typed, rather than written - if it were the latter you would see how my pen strokes became deep and emotional as i wrote that sentence). I've never heard of anyone ELSE getting 1470 before! 1600, 1500, 1440, 1100 and all the rest, yeah, but someone i actually know getting 1470 just hasnt occurred yet.

What can this possibly mean!! Twins, seperated at birth??? (obviously with the caucasian gene somehow removed from her - or added to me)

On the flip side, apparently I scored higher than Al Gore, George Bush and Natalie Portman. BUT! Lower than Bill Gates. But the school that fits my SAT score is Massachusetts Institute of Technology?!?!?!?!


Some days i wake up and i just feel completely talentless. For example, right now i'm really just rambling on in a rather meaningless, pointless, futile and overly-verbose manner, because there's no real direction to this. (Amazingly, it all seems to work out in the end) There are just some days when I wake up, and i can't write, i can't practice piano, i can't practice guitar, i can't teach, i can't do anything but read the papers! (If this were a certain type of blog written by a certain type of person, here would be where i say "And even reading the papers is hard on these days!". now, far be it from me to deny the truth of such a statement, but let me just say this: if it IS true, these are very sad individuals)

Thankfully, of course, the feeling wears off - usually within a few hours, but in bad cases by the next day. Its interesting, though, to take that feeling and analyse it, to break its bones, extract the marrow within and then put it on a microscope slide. Often I find the cause of such deep funks is not immediately apparent, and I just leave it at that. It'd probably be interesting to take up psych and figure out properly from what inner wellspring of depression such loss of faith in one's abilities flows from, think you not?

I think Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was really pretty good. The excitement that washed over me as the opening strains of John Williams' masterpiece were heard, the euphoria that I experienced as the bold yellow words STAR WARS appeared on the screen, and the unwillingness to face the truth - it was, incredibly, fearfully and very much sadly over, for once and for all - as the closing credits scrolled up were feelings well worth paying 10 times the price of the movie ticket, and indeed i hope to watch it many more times.

Part of me still can't believe its over. Traitorous as this may sound, I hope someone comes along (my betrayal lies in knowing that this someone won't be George Lucas, and yet still desiring this) and turns the Star Wars books - all 90+ of them at my last count - into movies. It doesnt matter that I've read most of the books already. The whole world knows the story of episode III - or at least they damn well should - but that hasnt stopped us from watching it!!

Perhaps my largest fear - and this may sound the most trivial of things ever - is that the fact that there will probably not be any more movies set in a galaxy far, far away may mean that interest in the Star Wars universe will slowly but surely die away, becoming like a sort of almost-lost religion - the Byzantine faith, for example. That would be a very sad way for one of the 20th and 21st's greatest cultural icons to fade into the mists of Time. And yet it is inevitable that this shall happen eventually.

I don't plan on being a proponent of such a decline, however.

May the Force be with you.